And the consequent extra demand for pounds would cause the spot rate of pounds to appreciate, while the extra supply of pounds in the forward market in exchange for dollars may cause pounds to be at a discount and the dollars, at a premium. 对英镑的额外要求,其结果是导致英镑的远期汇率增值,而在远期市场上,增加英镑换美元会导致英镑贴水,而美元升水。
In terms of cash outlays, the "extra cost" represented by the discount is not paid until the bonds mature. 在现金支出方面,折价所代表的“额外成本”直到债券到期时才需支付。
But block trade margins are often slim at best and, if the purchasing price is misjudged, banks vying for extra business can be left with millions of dollars in losses when the shares fall below the discount price offered at the initial auction. 然而大宗交易的利润率在最好的情况下也往往相当微薄,而如果误判收购价格,当股价跌至最初拍卖时的折扣价以下时,争夺这些额外业务的银行将不得不面对数百万美元的亏损。